Oct 6, 2014 | Natchitoches.NET News
Hollywood came to Natchitoches 25 years ago. Some of the industry’s most famous folks made it their home and walked its streets. And they made a movie you’ve probably heard of: “Steel Magnolias.” They moved in just after July 4, 1988, and all...
Oct 2, 2014 | Natchitoches.NET News
“Running alongside Front Street is Cane River Lake and the Downtown Riverbank, a wide, green lakefront park that is the site of many of the movie’s—and the town’s—annual celebrations. The Christmas carnival in Steel Magnolias was patterned on the Natchitoches...
Apr 23, 2014 | Press Releases
The dedication of the Susan Harling Robinson Memorial Garden and will be held at the corner of Pine Street and Cypress Street on Saturday, April 26, 2014. After her death, Susan’s brother, Robert Harling, wrote the play “Steel Magnolias”. The garden...